

JPII理事会是一个有限管辖权的理事会,在阿拉巴马州伯明翰教区的主持下运作. They serve as a voting member of the 校董会 to monitor finances of the school, 它的程序, 和性能. Their goal is to further the mission of Catholic education and 网赌最正规的软件. 董事会成员与工作人员和其他董事会成员作为合作伙伴共同制定JPII的战略计划,并监督该计划的持续绩效.


(联合)Fr. 布莱恩·劳他的职业道路是曲折的. He went to the University of Colorado and received a degree in Chemistry. 随后,他在美国海军的一艘核潜艇上担任了四年的补给官. 在海军服役之后, 他当了十年化学家, 所以他才来阿拉巴马州. 他在伯明翰为一位同事工作,正是在这段时间里,他感到了成为牧师的召唤. Fr. Lowe entered the seminary in 1996 and was ordained in 2001. Fr. 罗威被任命为圣. John the Baptist Catholic Church in July 2017. His appointment to the JPII 校董会 was approved by Bishop Robert J. Baker, 2017年9月26日. Fr. Lowe’s focus on the Board at JPII is going to be ensuring the goals for JPII align with the goals for the diocese; collaborating with the Principal to make the school the best it can be.


夫人. 盖尔乖乖地 毕业于密苏里州富尔顿的威斯敏斯特学院,获得工商管理学士学位.  她在亨茨维尔的阿拉巴马大学继续她的教育,获得了会计证书.  Gayle曾在政府合同部门工作超过25年,在会计部门担任过许多职位,目前受雇于Torch Technologies, 公司. 盖尔是好牧人天主教会的成员,她的两个儿子都就读于圣灵地区天主教学校,毕业于圣. 约翰·保罗二世天主教高中 classes of 2014 and 2021. Gayle和她的丈夫Scott自1996年JPII成立以来一直非常活跃.  Gayle has served in many capacities at both Holy Spirit and JPII.  Gayle是圣灵学校董事会的PA主席(2012 - 2013)(2007-2018),并在JPII晚会和越野和田径等许多领域担任志愿者. Gayle曾在JPII的财务小组委员会任职多年,目前担任财务主席.  Gayle is very passionate about Catholic education and is excited about the future of 网赌最正规的软件


Mr. 威廉(比尔. 伯麦 was born and raised 在亨茨维尔, and is a member of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish. Mr. 伯麦 is a graduate of Auburn University with a degree in Architecture, and has been self-employed as an Architect, 在亨茨维尔, 近32年来,在几个不同类型的建筑项目中拥有丰富的经验. Some projects of note are: A new Catholic church in Booneville, MS; a new gymnasium and new Church for St. Joseph’s 在亨茨维尔 along with renovations to the old church; a new religious education center for St. 保罗在雅典. Mr. 伯麦 has served as a volunteer at several Catholic Pari她s, 帮助解决他们的设施问题, 最明显的是, Holy Spirit Church and School after the destruction of the 1989 tornado. Mr. 伯麦 was on the original 校董会 for Catholic High, 后来成为了JPII, and is currently on the Facilities Committee at JPII.


Dr. 杰森•格林 is the Dean of the College of Business at The University of Alabama 在亨茨维尔. 他是肯塔基州路易斯维尔的本地人. 格林得了B.A. in Economics 和Mathematics from Rhodes College and his Ph.D. 获得印第安纳大学金融学学位. 在他的职业生涯中, 他曾在乔治亚州立大学和南伊利诺伊大学担任教职. In addition to consulting for numerous investment management companies, Dr. Greene曾在INTECH Investment management的执行管理团队任职数年. Dr. 格林和他的妻子, 米歇尔, have been married for more than 30 years and their daughter, 艾莉, 你是JPII的校友吗.


Ms. 弗吉尼亚(金妮)莱希 是两个孩子的母亲. 约翰·保罗二世天主教高中 graduates, Classes of 2009 (then Catholic High School) and Class of 2013. 她非常积极地参与了与我们现在的高中建设有关的筹款活动. 她是圣. 施洗天主教会的约翰和两个孩子都在圣. John the Baptist Catholic School in Madison. 像很多人一样, 她, 和她的丈夫乔(现已去世)早在他们的孩子上高中之前就开始支持JPII. Ginny has served on the finance subcommittee of CHS/JPII for many years. 她是一名注册会计师(CPA),职业生涯超过30年,曾在两家全国性会计师事务所工作. Ms. Leahy is currently Vice President of a private family corporation. 她喜欢与员工一起工作,并培训员工遵循教区最佳商业实践提供的指导.


Ms. 妮娜(安妮塔·萨尼饰)达米安 1990年毕业于奥本大学,获得电气工程学士学位,1991年获得通信硕士学位. While working as an electrical engineer at Chevron Corporation in Houston, 德州, 她 earned a Juris Doctorate (cum laude) from South 德州 College of Law in May 1998. She and her family moved to Huntsville, Alabama in October 2000. 她在阿拉巴马州和德克萨斯州有超过25年的执业经验,是美国专利和商标局的注册专利律师. She is Associate General Counsel for Bristol Bay Shared Services, a subsidiary of Alaska native parent company, 布里斯托尔湾原住民公司. 她的丈夫也是奥本大学(1991年BSEE)和休斯顿大学(1993年MSEE)的毕业生。. They have 3 children, who all graduated from Auburn.

尼娜还担任过亨茨维尔青年联盟的各种志愿者, 在教堂, on the PTA boards of her children’s schools, 各种助推器俱乐部, 在法律界也是如此. She also currently serves on the Huntsville Madison County Auburn Club board.


夫人. 沙龙白 她是一名注册财务顾问,在过去的32年里,她成功地管理了自己在西北互惠银行的业务. 她的专业领域包括个人财务规划和企业继任规划. 夫人. 怀特是亨茨维尔保险和金融顾问协会(HAIFA)以及许多其他行业和社区活动的前任主席. Mobile原生游戏, AL, 她在莫比尔教区的天主教学校系统中长大,然后进入密西西比大学,在那里她获得了商业学位,同时作为一名学生运动员参加排球比赛.

Sharon and her husband Richard are active parishioners of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Madison. They have three sons who graduated from JPII in the Classes of 2010, 2012, and 2016. 她建立并领导了圣. 约翰所在学校的第一个筹款晚会,在她的儿子们上高中很久之后,她还执教了多个运动队. Sharon championed multiple fundraising parties for St. 约翰的家人和中学生一起为JPII目前的校园筹集资金. 她给董事会带来了她对天主教教育的热情,以及在JPII扩展所有四大支柱所需的筹款技巧.


Dr. 玛丽·露丝·耶茨 is a native of Knoxville, TN and has lived 在亨茨维尔 since 1964. 她得了B.S. 和M.S. from the University of Tennessee and a Ph.D. 来自阿拉巴马大学. 自1980年以来,. Yates held a variety of administrative positions with Huntsville City Schools, including two terms as Interim Superintendent. 在2009年10月退休之前,她曾担任Huntsville City Schools的助理主管多年. 退休后,李博士. Yates joined Gleason Research Associations, 担任董事会主席, 直到公司被出售. 她继续倡导教育. Dr. Yates serves as a member of the Juvenile Conference committee, a court-sponsored program providing services to at-risk children. 此外,博士. Yates is a member of the College of Education Advisory Board for the University of Alabama, as well as a member of the Advisory Board for Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School. She has been an active member of the JPII Academic Committee for the past two years.

Ms. 米歇尔·吉列姆·乔丹 是亨茨维尔阿拉巴马州地区政府委员会(TARCOG)的执行主任, and has been an Urban and Regional Planner for more than 25 years, having worked for the City of Huntsville, 迪凯特城, and the City of Madison in various Planning leadership roles. 她于2020年入选美国注册规划师学会(FAICP),记录了她对该行业的贡献. 米歇尔 is a native of Detroit, Michigan, and is proud to call North Alabama her home now. 她是阿拉巴马大学的毕业生&米大学, having received both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University, 她也是圣. Martin DePorres High School and Gesu Catholic School in Detroit. 米歇尔嫁给了克莱顿·乔丹, and they are the proud parents of one daughter – Lauren Nicole. She attends Annunciation of the Lord Catholic Church in Decatur, Alabama where 她 has served on the Finance Committee, 圣. Ann School Advisory Board, and as a Hospitality and Eucharistic Minister.

Mr. 保罗Tygielski 出生在密歇根州的底特律. He moved to Huntsville in 1960 and never left! 多年来,他一直在圣. Mary of the Visitation and there he married his wife Cindy in 1987. Paul’s two sons attended Holy Spirit Regional Catholic School, followed by 网赌最正规的软件. Paul was a regular volunteer at both schools. He also served on many committees while his boys were attending JPII. He currently serves on the Holy Spirit School Advisory Council. Paul于1983年毕业于UAH. 他在硬件和软件领域工作了36年,参与了各种商业应用和国防项目. 目前,保罗在亨茨维尔担任GMD战略防御解决方案项目工程师.